If you have stumbled upon this blog by accident, this post is for you! If you have come to this blog because I told you to, then this post is also for you except not as informative because you (hopefully) already know this stuff about me.
This is a study abroad blog. My name is Melissa, and I will be an exchange student at Nanzan University (南山大学: South Mountain College!)in Nagoya, Japan this upcoming spring semester. Currently I am a sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and I have a double major in Journalism & Mass Communication (Reporting) and Japanese with a minor in Creative Writing.
I'll be studying mainly at Nanzan's Center for Japanese Studies, which means intensive language training and lots of cultural classes. I am THE most excited person ever. Do note that I hate kanji, and yet I am ridiculously excited to throw myself into this program. Also note that using proper grammar while speaking gives me a bit of trouble, mainly because I can carry on a fluent conversation in Japanese if we're speaking casually. Formal phrases/verbs give me the heebie-jeebies. As do particles.
Because I used to live there for so long as a military dependent, Japan is a very personal and important place to me just like hometowns are to most people--but I'm genuinely interested in the country academically. I love the Heian era and I've been independently studying the history and culture of geisha since high school (I own and have read every book on geisha that is still in print, and I really do mean that), but if I had to pick the One Thing I Could Ramble On For Hours About, it's pop culture.
Right now I am currently filling out my admissions packet to the CJS (Center for Japanese Studies) and will receive my student visa sometime in December. I haven't bought my plane tickets yet (NOT GOOD! Should get on that), and I've still got a lot of things to do--but I'm motivated! I'm truckin'! Um, somewhat.
So I hope, even with my long-winded introductory post, that you continue to read my blog. And that you enjoy it. ^^
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